Scale of dysfunctional relations (attitudes) (A. Beka and A. Weisman)

This test was developed to assess the intensity of dysfunctional beliefs.

Dysfunctional attitudes express the content of maladaptive thinking patterns activated under the influence of stressful factors.

This questionnaire contains a number of opinions, positions and principles that sometimes people follow. Please read carefully and choose the statements that reflect your beliefs that usually guide you in your life. Answer as you think usually or most often.

❗️ There are no right or wrong statements in this questionnaire. ❗️
Number of questions in the test: 40
Time for passing the test: 10-15 minutes
Date added: May 12, 2023

1. It is difficult to be happy if you are not handsome, not intelligent, you are not rich and have no creative abilities.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

2. Happiness is something related to the attitude towards oneself, and than with the feelings that other people have for you.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

3. People will probably think badly of me if I make a mistake.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

4. If I am not good all the time, then others will not respect me.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

5. It is pointless to take even a small risk, because in case of failure, a disaster will occur.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

6. You can gain the respect of another person without being gifted in something.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

7. I am happy only when other people admire me.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

8. When a person asks for help, it is a sign of weakness.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

9. If I'm not as pretty as other people, that means I'm a less valuable person.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

10. If I do not cope with my work, then I am generally incapable (failure).

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

11. If a person cannot do something correctly and perfectly, then there is no point in starting this business at all.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

12. Making mistakes is useful, then I can learn from them.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

13. If someone doesn't share my opinion, it probably means they don't love me.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

14. If I partially fail at something, it's just as bad as failing completely.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree

18. Before doing something, one must have a reasonable prospect of success.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

19. My value as a person depends on what other people think about me.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

20. If I don't set high standards for myself, I'll probably end up being a second-rate person.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

21. If I want to be a valuable person, then I must at least become outstanding in some field.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

22. People who have good ideas are more valuable than those who don't.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree

26. If I ask, it is a sign of my inability.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

27. It is terrible when you are oppressed by people who are important to you.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

28. If you do not have a person who can be a support for you, then you inevitably become unhappy.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

29. I can achieve the goals that are important to me without breaking down.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

30. It is possible that the person who is being scolded is not annoyed at the same time.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

31. I cannot trust other people because they can be cruel to me.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

32. You cannot be happy if others do not love you.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

33. It is good to give up your own interests in order to please others.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

34. My happiness depends more on other people than on myself.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

35. I don't need recognition from others to be happy.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

36. If a person avoids problems, they will probably disappear.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

37. I can be happy and satisfied, even if many good things in life pass me by.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree

38. It is very important what other people think about me.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

39. Isolation from others invariably leads to a feeling of unhappiness.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree

40. I can be happy without being loved by others.

Completely agree
Basically I agree
Rather agree
It is difficult to determine
I rather disagree
Mainly disagree
Totally disagree