hospital scale of anxiety and depression

Each statement has 4 possible answers. Choose one of the answers which corresponds to your condition for two weeks.

Part 1 (assessment of anxiety level)

1. I feel tension, I don't feel like myself

all the time
I don't feel it at all

2. I feel fear, might`ve, something bad can happened

it is definitely so, and the fear is very great
yes, it is so, but the fear is not very great
sometimes, but it doesn't bother me
I don't feel it at all

3. Usless thoughts go around in my head

most of the time
from time to time and not so often
only sometimes

4. For me it`s easy,to seat and relax

I can't at all
only occasionally, that's how
probably, this is so
definitely, it is so

5. i feel inner presion and trembling

very often
I don't feel at all

6. I feel restlessness, i often need to move

definitely, it is so
probably, this is so
only to some extent, this is so
I don't feel at all

7. I have suddenly feeling of panic

very often
quite often
not so often
does not happen at all

Part 2 (assessment of depression level)

8. What brought me great pleasure and now gives me the same feeling

This is not quite so
only to a very small extent, it is so
apparently, it is so
probably so

9. I am able to laugh and see the funny in this or that event

not capable at all
only to a very small extent, it is so
apparently, it is so
certainly, it is so

10. I feel cheerful

I don't feel it at all
very rare
almost all the time

11.I think I started doing everything very slowly

almost all the time
not at all

12. I don't take care of my appearance

certainly, it is so
I don't spend as much time on it as I need
maybe I began to devote less time to it
I look after myself the same as before

13. I believe that my affairs (occupations, hobbies) can br/ing me a sense of satisfaction

I don't think so at all
significantly less than usual
yes, but not to the same extent as before
the same as usual

14. I can enjoy a good book, radio or television program

very rarely